100 Icebreaker Questions for College Students
Posted by SignUpGenius Team
As the semester begins at college campuses around the country, new activities, classes and clubs start up as well — and that means meeting a lot of new people. Here are 100 icebreaker questions designed to help students make new friends or learn more about their classmates.
For the Classroom
- What made you choose (insert university)?
- If you could major in anything and be guaranteed a steady job after college, what would pick?
- When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
- What was a "total freshman move" you made when you began college?
- Who would you have dinner with if you could have it with any person, living or dead?
- What was your senior quote in high school?
- Who is your favorite U.S. president?
- What is your favorite word?
- When you were little, what book did you love?
- If you could create a (silly) law, what would it be?
- What's the best class you've ever taken?
- Have you ever failed at anything? If so, what?
- What is the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
- If you could speak and be heard by everyone in the world for one minute, what would you say?
- Who is your role model in life?
- What book/movie would you change the ending to if you could?
- What was the last book you read?
- What were you involved in in high school?
- What's your favorite planet in our solar system?
- What is your favorite day of the year?
- If you could instantly learn another language without studying it, which one would you pick?
- If you could go back in time, but couldn't change anything, what time would you go to?
- What fictional character would you like to meet?
- If you could only take two books on a desert island, which would you take?
- What acquired skill have you always wanted to learn?
Schedule a dorm meeting with an online sign up! SAMPLE.
Pop Culture
- What book/movie/show can you watch over and over again without getting bored?
- Who is your famous actor/actress lookalike?
- What's your favorite movie?
- What band were you obsessed with in middle school?
- What's your favorite genre of music?
- What's your current favorite show to binge watch on Netflix?
- Are you a die-hard fan of any sports teams?
- What's something that you love that everyone you know hates?
- Who is your celebrity nemesis?
- What would you go viral for on the Internet?
- What is your all-time favorite song?
- If you could go on one reality show, what would it be?
- What sport is your favorite to watch?
- What is the cheesiest movie you've ever seen?
- What song always gets stuck in your head?
- What restaurant do you eat at way too often?
Biographical Sketch
- What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?
- What's the most interesting story your grandparents have ever told you?
- If you could choose another name for yourself, what would it be?
- Are you more like your mom or your dad?
- What would people be surprised to find out about you?
- What is your biggest regret?
- Who are you closest to in your family?
- If you have a tattoo, what does it mean to you? If you don't, what tattoo would you get?
- What word do people use to describe you most often?
- What was the best Halloween costume you've ever worn?
- What is your nickname?
Arrange a study group with an online sign up! SAMPLE.
- What style decisions do you regret from your middle school days?
- If your house caught on fire, what would be the one thing you'd save?
- What was your first job?
- What sport is your favorite to play?
- What is the first memory you have?
- If you could relive one day of your life, which day would you choose to relive?
- Do you frequently get mistaken for someone else in your life?
- How many people are in your family?
- What one thing (stuffed animal, blanket, etc.) did you carry around as a baby/young kid?
- If you could only meet one, would you rather meet your great-great grandparents or your great-great grandchildren?
- Have you ever had five minutes of fame? When? For what?
- What year of your life has been your favorite so far?
- What's the coolest thing your family's ever done together?
All in the Details
- If you could shrink any animal to puppy-size, what animal would you own?
- What is your biggest pet peeve?
- Which season of the year is your favorite and why?
- What do you pretend to hate but secretly love?
- What's the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
- Where's the best place you've ever gone on vacation?
- If teleportation were possible, what would be the first place you'd teleport to?
- What do you love but rarely buy for yourself?
- What (in your opinion) is the prettiest place to be on Earth?
- What is the best prank someone's ever played on you?
- If you were only allowed to eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- What's the best gift you've ever gotten from someone?
- What do you take everywhere with you?
- What's something on your bucket list?
- What was your New Year's Resolution this year?
- What would be your ideal superpower?
- When you wake up, what is the very first thing you do?
- What does your perfect day look like?
Plan a carpool for fall or spring break with an online sign up! SAMPLE.
- What talent have you always wished you had, but don't?
- What would you name your boat if you owned one?
- What is your funniest "first world problem?"
- What food are you always running out of at your house?
- What is your dog/cat named, and why?
- Do you have any key chains, and if so, what do they mean to you?
- What's your favorite type of candy?
- What is one thing in your life that you couldn't live without?
- What's the best meal you've ever eaten?
- Out of your five senses, which sense do you think you could live without (sight, smell, touch, sound, or taste)?
- What food do you think you can you cook better than anyone else?
- If you won the lottery but only had one day to spend the money, what would you buy?
- If you could have an unlimited amount of one item, but only you could use the item, what would you pick?
- What's your least favorite day of the year?
- If there were 25 hours in a day, what would you spent the 25th hour doing?
- What is the worst gift you've ever received?
- What is the worst job you've ever had?
Pull some fun, funny or seriously informative questions from this list, and you'll be one step closer to a tight-knit group. Plus, you'll probably learn some details you never would have guessed!