50 Who's Most Likely To Questions for Group Events
Posted by Courtney McLaughlin

Whether you want to get to know someone better or need a quick and easy party game, these 50 "most likely to" questions are a fun way to get everyone laughing.
To play, have everyone vote for who they think is the winner after the question is asked, or simply have everyone point to the person they think is most likely to fit the question. These questions are perfect for road trips, the dinner table or anytime you need a go-to activity with a group!
- Who is most likely to show up with homemade treats?
- Who is most likely to sing alone in the car?
- Who is most likely to arrive 15 minutes late?
- Who is most likely to get up early to work out?
- Who is most likely to have on mismatched socks?
- Who is most likely to jump in the pool first?
- Who is most likely to do a cannonball off the diving board?
- Who is most likely to enter a Halloween costume contest?
- Who is most likely to make up a new song?
- Who is most likely to go to bed first?
- Who is most likely to forget something when they go on vacation?
- Who is most likely to sit in the front of a roller coaster?
- Who is most likely to order pineapple on their pizza?
- Who is most likely to tell a funny joke?
- Who is most likely to dance in the rain?
- Who is most likely to start their own business (lemonade stands count!)?
- Who is most likely to get straight A's?
- Who is most likely to be a secret superhero?
- Who is most likely to go skydiving?
- Who is most likely to sing karaoke?
Organize a youth group supper club with an online sign up. View an Example
- Who is most likely to jump in a cold lake/ocean?
- Who is most likely to get lost?
- Who is most likely to win a giveaway?
- Who is most likely to go fishing?
- Who is most likely to dye their hair green (or another bright color)?
- Who is most likely to make a homemade card?
- Who is most likely to quote a movie?
- Who is most likely to go on an adventurous trip?
- Who is most likely to recite a poem by heart?
- Who is most likely to star in their own television show?
- Who is most likely to win the Nobel Prize?
- Who is most likely to be a spy?
- Who is most likely to wear their favorite sports team gear?
- Who is most likely to give a compliment?
- Who is most likely to break a world record?
- Who is most likely to celebrate their birthday for a week (or a month)?
- Who is most likely to talk in their sleep?
- Who is most likely to accidentally put their shirt on backward?
- Who is most likely to have the cleanest room?
- Who is most likely to take a spontaneous trip to the beach?
Organize a community potluck with an online sign up. View an Example
- Who is most likely to give you a nickname?
- Who is most likely to be voted MVP?
- Who is most likely to win a dance contest?
- Who is most likely to run for political office?
- Who is most likely to build the best fort?
- Who is most likely to name their car?
- Who is most likely to become a TikTok star?
- Who is most likely to stay up all night?
- Who is most likely to lose their phone?
- Who is most likely to keep a secret?
Add your own ideas to the "most likely to" list and keep the fun going!
Courtney McLaughlin is a freelance writer in Charlotte, N.C. She gratefully shares her life, home and heart with her daughter and their dog.