Updated Sign Ups: New Look, Better Functionality

At SignUpGenius, we like to make it easier for people to plan and coordinate events and volunteers. We are excited to share that we're bringing you the same reliable functionality you love, all wrapped up in a shiny, new package. That's right, we have given our sign up pages a new and improved look.
With this set of updates, we've improved both the sign up pages you see and the technology behind them. Group members will be able to see what they need quickly without scrolling endlessly down a sign up page, and they will enjoy smoother navigation throughout the sign up process.
New sign up look features
- New look - Updated fonts and design for a more modern look. The new look provides an improved layout and an easier-to-navigate sign up for participants and sign up creators.
- Less scrolling needed - Participants can now find opportunities more efficiently. We've truncated the number of visible participant names per slot on the main page of your sign up to save time. We also still offer the ability to hide all names on sign ups.
- Better visibility of needs - The sign up slot availability is more clearly displayed under each slot, so admins can assess needs easily, and people signing up can see the group's greatest gaps to fill.
- Tabbing display updates - Premium plan subscribers using the tabbing feature will notice an updated design, increasing ease of navigation across tabs.
- Social share and contact button - The sign up features social sharing icons for anyone to easily promote a sign up. If needed, this option is easily hidden when creating a sign up. We've also made the sign up creator contact option more prominent.
With the updated look and improved functionality of sign up pages, admins and group members alike can benefit from an even easier sign up process.
We can't wait for you to see our new look! Get started creating a sign up and enjoy the new and improved look today!
Create a Sign Up