How It All Started

Dan and Angel Rutledge
creators of SignUpGenius
I kept thinking to myself... there has got to be a better way. So I set out to create one.
I kept thinking to myself... there has got to be a better way. So I set out to create one.

Dan and Angel Rutledge
creators of SignUpGenius
"We were having a party for our church small group one time and told people with last names starting with A-M to bring drinks and those with N-Z to bring snacks. We all showed up and were shocked to find that every snack family brought chips and salsa and every drinks family brought Diet Coke! It was the most disgusting party meal ever!
I've got too many important things on my plate to stress about stuff like this. I kept thinking to myself... there has got to be a better way. So I set out to create one."