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Removing Ads from Sign Ups
Removing Ads from Sign Ups
Paid subscribers have the ability to remove advertising from sign ups while the subscription is active. As events pass, you can remove the no ads option from one sign up and re-assign to a new sign up. There are two easy ways to remove third party advertising from your sign ups.
Option 1
- From the upper right side of your account Sign Ups page, locate the circle with your initials or profile pic and then click Billing.
- Under Active Products click Assign No Ads.
- Check the box next to a sign up to assign a no-ads license to your sign up.

Option 2
- When creating or editing your sign up, from Settings scroll down to Preferences.
- Check the box that reads: Remove ads on this sign up.
- Select the green button at the end of the page to save changes.

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Posted by SignUpGenius